2002 Vietnamese Zodiac - Water Horse

 2002 Vietnamese Zodiac - Water Horse

What is the zodiac sign of the zodiac sign in 2002?

2002 is the year of the horse, according to the Oriental five elements is the year of water, so people born in 2002 are water horses.

The Vietnamese lunar calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar. According to the Gregorian calendar, people born between February 12, 2002 and January 31, 2003 are water horses. Those born between January 1st and February 11th, 2002 bear the previous sign of the Golden Snake.

Lucky Signs for 2002 Water Horse 

 Lucky numbers: 7, 15

 Lucky colors: brown, blue

2002 Water Horse Horoscope 2023

For students born in the Year of the Horse in 2002, it is not a happy year. You plan to fall behind in your studies. For one reason, they may spend too much time socializing or personal hobbies and less time studying after school(Tu vi nam 2023 - phongthuyso.vn). There is also a reason that they sometimes cannot concentrate in class. If they want to make progress, they need to put in more effort. For those who have graduated, they must learn useful practices from experienced colleagues with humility and diligence in order to gain a firm position. Singles can meet some fascinating members of the opposite sex this year. But don't be in a rush to start dating because the 2023 horoscope reminds them they might not be the real man or woman for you. Your health is good. Be careful when doing strenuous exercise.

Personality Traits of Water Horse in 2002 Oriental Zodiac

Horse people born in 2002 are honest and reliable. You can put yourself in the shoes of others and are willing to sacrifice yourself for others. Water horses are very heroic and often stand up for others. They never give up and stick to what they decide to do despite setbacks.

But 2002 Horse people are impatient and sentimental. They are not independent enough and usually care too much about judging others. They love to be praised and are easily inflated.


You will be very lucky in your career. Your early efforts will give them a good foundation. In middle age, they are more likely to get help from others. If they can seize the opportunity, they will definitely be promoted. However, you cannot rest on small successes. Work down-to-earth to accumulate relevant knowledge and professional skills for further career development.


The fortune of Water Horse people is very simple. They don't have a strong sense of money. Because of this concept, they do not have a strong desire to make money. So it is not easy for them to make a fortune. But because of their excellent performance in their careers, they will get a good salary. In addition, you must learn to save money, otherwise you will not have much left when you get old.

love and relationships

Water Horses in 2002 are quite lucky in love and relationships. They will have many admirers when they are young. And after careful selection, they will eventually marry the right person. After marriage, they still take care of their lovers. You will learn to understand and tolerate each other. Raised in a good home environment, their kids will be like kids.


Horse people born in 2002 may not be in good health. There are some episodes of inflammation that you need to watch out for, such as throat infections and eye infections. If you feel unwell, you should go to the hospital in time to avoid developing into a serious illness. At the same time, maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid staying up late. If you live in an orderly manner and are in a happy mood, your health will naturally improve.

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Email: phongthuyso.vn@gmail.com 

Location: Số 27 To Vinh Dien - Thanh Xuan - Ha Noi - Viet Nam


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